by Andy | Aug 31, 2023 | IELTS, IELTS Coaching, IELTS News, IELTS Test
Many students around the world and in the UK are about to return to school, but in truth we almost never leave the classroom. Where We’ve Been As usual, we have travelled virtually around the world many times over. IELTS is an immensely popular test at the moment, and...
by Andy | Jul 31, 2023 | IELTS, IELTS Coaching, IELTS News, IELTS Test
Where We’ve Been This is the time of year when almost all academic institutions take an academic break — we, however, keep going to help as many of you over the IELTS line as possible. This month we have digitally traversed the world, spending much of that time...
by Andy | Jun 30, 2023 | IELTS, IELTS Coaching, IELTS News, IELTS Test
Where We’ve Been We are glued to our desks! There is a massive interest in the IELTS test at the moment as many try to change their life by emigrating abroad to study or work. We do things differently here with our proprietary system, which unteaches you the things...
by Andy | May 30, 2023 | IELTS, IELTS News, IELTS Test
School is literally out for most of the UK as high school students enjoy a half-term break. What is happening in your part of the world? Where We’ve Been We have been glued to our desks in what continues to be a very busy time for us. There are record numbers of...
by Andy | Apr 30, 2023 | IELTS, IELTS News, IELTS Test
The IELTS test seems to continue to increase in popularity with not let up. We have been busy, busy, busy — and our students have been succeeding! Where We’ve Been Our book was #1New Release in the English as a foreign language category on Amazon! You can buy your...
by Andy | Mar 30, 2023 | IELTS, IELTS Coaching, IELTS Test
March is a hectic month in the IELTS world, and the test is proving more popular than ever. Despite that, we still have a big announcement to make… Where We’ve Been We can finally announce that our long-awaited book has finally hit the Amazon bookshelves! Co-written...