Emigrate to Australia, Part 1

May 30, 2019 | Australia, IELTS

Welcome to the first in a 3-part series on emigrating to Australia.

Many of our students want to move to Australia. In fact, a good number of them have already succeeded!

And with scenery like this, who can blame them…

Australian Beach

To help you follow in their footsteps, we have asked them how they succeeded, and which services they would recommend.

Over the next few months, we will present those recommendations to you, bringing Australia within your reach too…

So, grab your favourite drink and let’s start by discussing visas …

Visas and Skills Assessment

Recent months have seen a lot of changes to Australian immigration rules.

To ensure you have a good chance of succeeding, you should engage the services of a Registered Migration Agent.

RMAs have undergone extensive training by the Australian government. They must continue to renew their certification by staying up-to-date with the latest requirements.

Despite this, many migration agents operate without a certificate. Ensuring that your agent does have one will dramatically increase your chances of success.

To save you time searching, we came across Immigration2oz.com – a site with some valuable information.

As you can see from the following tweet, they provide up-to-date information on the latest changes to Australian immigration law…

They also have a free visa points calculator that they keep up-to-date with the very latest requirements.

Jobs and Employment

Next, you need to search for a job!

Many sites claim to offer opportunities, but few are up-to-date with the latest requirements AND offer help with obtaining residency.

One whose name we hear again and again is The Down Under Centre, based in London, Australia, and New Zealand.

They are a one-stop centre for migration to Australia and have something called the DUC Employment HUB. This connects you with companies who need employees right now.

Here’s an example of a recent job offer that appeared on their Twitter feed…

The Down Under Centre deliver regular migration webinars to assist those moving to Australia and New Zealand. Click on this link to find out when the next one will take place.

Relocation Services

After taking our lessons, you have received your target IELTS score, and you have secured a job and a visa.

But hold on! Transporting all your possessions to Australia can take up to 12 weeks!

Sending your belongings to Australia can also cost thousands, and many fail to budget for this.

You need a professional relocation service.

If you are travelling from the UK,  PSS Removals has written a great blog post on this very topic…

We recommend getting in touch with them now!

You can get an estimate without too much trouble. PSS offers a home video survey that you can record for a virtual estimation.

Next month…

That’s all for this special edition.

Next month we will turn our spotlight to the types of jobs you can do in Australia and the occupation ceilings that apply to them.

See you next month!