Fake IELTS Certificates – IELTS News 7/1/19

Jan 7, 2019 | IELTS, IELTS Test

Hello – and welcome back to With an Expert’s analysis of the latest IELTS news, which this month focuses on fake IELTS certificates.

Discover the latest happenings in the world of IELTS and how they might help you to attain the IELTS score you need.

We will also link you to news articles in areas often covered by the IELTS test so that you can expand your knowledge and improve your vocabulary.

IELTS in the News

Fake IELTS Certificates

This year has seen an increase in adverts for fake IELTS certificates. Tempted?

Don’t be!

The scammers will tell you that they can hack the IELTS database to issue the certificates. Some even claim that they have insider help within the IDP and British Council.

However, security breaches within these organisations almost never occur. IDP and the British Council have sophisticated systems in place to detect real breaches – and act when they find one.

In the past, candidates who have obtained fake IELTS certificates have had to leave the nations they had entered. The countries then banned them from re-entering.

In recent months 400 students in Canada have had to retake the test after doubts emerged over the validity of their test results.


For the last few years, anyone wanting to use an IELTS certificate to enter the UK has had to take a version of the test called UKVI.

This version of the test makes two video recordings of every Speaking test candidate. If an embassy, university or workplace doubts your level of English, they can access these recordings to check you took this test yourself.

Unless the ‘hackers’ can upload a 14-minute video of you taking the test with an IELTS examiner – you will be caught out and banned.

Now for the good news…

IELTS Leads to Greater Success in Obtaining Visas

I know of one American Embassy in Asia which prefers IELTS over TOEFL, because of the sophisticated security.

As a result, visa applications supported with an IELTS certificate stand a greater chance of success.

So, if you want to increase your chances of obtaining your visa, take IELTS!

IELTS Book Enters Top 10 in Borrowed Publications

IELTS has become such a popular way to enter Canada that one Vancouver library has listed an IELTS book in the top 10 borrowed in 2018!

Read more here.

International Job News

London is Open

London’s New Year firework display announced that ‘London is Open’ in seven languages.

With Brexit around the corner, the UK wants the world to know that skilled immigrants will find the UK more accessible than ever.

Proposals for post-Brexit Britain include scrapping the current annual limit of 20,700 highly skilled migrants. The UK may also expand the criteria of who would match this category.

Migrants may bring their family when sponsored by their employers.

The new arrangements will favour of the kind of migrants who take the IELTS test.

Start preparing for the test with lessons now.

International Study

Brexit also brings good news for the vast majority of international students.

European citizens might find this academic year their last chance to apply to a UK university and pay local rates.

Students from the rest of the world will find winning a place at a UK university easier than in the past. The UK intends to adopt a Canadian or Australian style points-based system favouring well educated and skilled applicants.

The UK can now attract the most talented faculty from an international pool – rather than Europe alone.

Wherever you come from – apply now!

Useful Reading

In addition to the IELTS news, we also highlight a selection of articles connected with the kind of IELTS topics you might encounter in the Reading test. They all contain vocabulary that you can use in your Speaking or Writing tests.

This month’s theme: Work…


The work bonus that is way more important than money

This article talks about the benefits of working from home can bring companies and employees. The author also touches on pollution and the environment…

How Millennials Became The Burnout Generation

This article contains lots of useful vocabulary about generational differences and issues in the workplace.

Exploring Artificial Intelligence with Jim Al-Khalili

This article explores modern technology and the advances made by artificial intelligence.

Will AI make you unemployed? An important question that the IELTS test has already asked and will no doubt ask again!

That’s all for this issue.

See you in February!