How To Improve Your Vocabulary for IELTS Writing

Mar 1, 2021 | IELTS, IELTS Test, IELTS Vocabulary

Episode 3 – Vocabulary for IELTS Writing

This is the series where we introduce you to experts who can help you achieve your language and related professional goals.

In this episode, we talk with Sam Varley about his IELTS eBooks and the challenges of learning vocabulary for the IELTS test.

In this episode, I ask Sam to share his advice, suggestions and stories on:

The Challenge

  • Learning vocabulary for IELTS Task 2 Writing
  • Learning correct collocation 
  • Finding a good resource for learning vocabulary

The Benefits Of Improved Vocabulary 

  • Why vocabulary is so important for your band score
  • The importance of precise vocabulary as well as range and flexibility

Why his eBook can Help You

  • his eBook is arranged by question types
  • it contains his own model essays
  • there are exercises to help you understand the vocabulary
  • understanding is developed with 10-20 comprehension exercises for each chapter
  • fluency is increased by 10-20 production exercises

Other Things You Can Do 

  • read other non-IELTS academic essays 

Key resources mentioned by Sam Varley in this episode

The most important one, of course, is his ebook, which you can purchase here.

Sam recommends an online dictionary called lexico.comwhich has quite comprehensive but easy to understand definitions. It will also let you know if vocabulary is informal and gives you example sentences. 

He also recommends On this website, you can put a phrase into a search box, and it will find your sentences in the best contexts within quality newspapers and journals.

The With An Expert Podcast: How to improve your IELTS vocabulary with Sam Varley by Andrew Turner @

About Sam Varley

Sam is an English teacher, IELTS teacher and an author of IELTS writing eBooks.

He has corrected, and band scored over 1,000 IELTS Task 1s and 2s and uses these to support his lessons and eBooks.

You can get in touch with him by sending an email to

Click here to buy his ebook

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