IELTS and OET News: June 2020

Jun 5, 2020 | IELTS, IELTS News, IELTS Test, OET

Welcome to the June edition of our News Tracker.

Events are moving quickly in this post-Covid world, and you will find important updates on both IELTS and OET below. 

IELTS Testing 

 The first wave of corona is mostly over, and test centres around the world have started to reopen. Out students have been taking the test in places as far apart as Hong Kong, Germany and the UK.

With paper-based testing set to return to the UK in June, the computer test is being run several times a day 7-times a week in many locations. 

Have you booked a test date yet? 


OET is releasing a new version of the test in the next couple of months. This version of the exam will be available worldwide, and you will be able to take it in the comfort of your own home.

Test candidates will have to prepare their room before the test, and the security of their room will be reviewed by a readiness agent. 

OET believes that the @Home test will be as secure as paper-based testing. Recording of paper-based tests is already standard in IELTS, and the introduction of the @Home test has introduced this innovation to OET as well.

International IELTS Job News

Automatic extensions for Visas and Skill Tests for NHS Medical Professionals

All regulated medical professionals working in the NHS and UK private sectors can now have their visas automatically extended by one year if they expire before October 1st. 

The visa extensions will also apply to family members.

Pre-registered overseas nurses who are currently required to sit their first skills test within three months and pass the test within eight months, now have until December 31st 2020.

Government announces 14-day quarantine arrangements including exemptions for healthcare workers

From June 8th, new arrivals in the UK will need to self-isolate for 14 days. This is important to bear in mind if arriving to take up a new job or to study at university.

The good news is that registered health and care staff are exempt.  

IELTS International Study

Studying Abroad

Two-Year Post-Study Work Visa Helping To Attract Students To UK Post-Covid-19

The pandemic has caused a lot of students to reconsider their plans to study abroad. However, the UK seems to be faring better than many predicted.

One recent survey of Indian student showed that only 25% of students thought they might change their plans. That compares with 69% of students who had Australia as their first choice.

The UK is being viewed favourably due to the reintroduction of a post-study work visa that allows holders to work in the UK for two years after graduation.

Further Reading

If you want to keep abreast of the latest developments, follow our blogTwitter and LinkedIn accounts for up-to-the-minute news.

See you in July!

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