IELTS Speaking Test Preparation on Leisure Activities

Feb 20, 2024 | IELTS Test

Welcome to our IELTS Speaking Test Preparation on Leisure Activities

One of the key topics often explored in the test is ‘Leisure Activities.’ 

It’s a broad subject that touches upon how we spend our free time, pursue hobbies, and enjoy recreational activities. To help you navigate this topic with confidence and ease, we’ve crafted a comprehensive guide with model questions and band 9 answers.

Why Does IELTS Focus on Leisure Activities?

Leisure activities are a universal aspect of human life, making them a popular subject in the IELTS speaking test. Discussing hobbies, interests, and how people unwind in different cultures can not only enrich your answers but also showcase your ability to engage in a wide range of conversational topics in English.

What You’ll Find Here:

  • Model Questions: Explore a carefully selected collection of speaking-style questions that mimic the format and style of actual IELTS exams. These questions are designed to cover various aspects of leisure activities, from personal preferences to cultural differences.
  • Band 9 Answers: Alongside each question, we provide model answers to illustrate how to effectively structure your response, incorporate relevant vocabulary, and demonstrate fluency and coherence in your speaking.
  • Key Vocabulary: Pay special attention to the bolded words in both questions and answers. These are terms that frequently appear in discussions about leisure activities and are likely to enhance the quality of your responses. We’ve included definitions for these terms at the end of the page, ensuring you’re well-prepared to use them accurately in your own answers.

Before You Dive In:

To maximise your learning experience, consider downloading our free PDF quiz before you begin. This quiz is designed to test your understanding of the model questions and answers, helping you identify areas for improvement and further refine your speaking skills.

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Part 1-style questions

Examiner: What do you like to do in your free time?

Candidate: In my free time, I’m particularly fond of reading and exploring new genres of literature. Whether it’s a classic novel or a contemporary piece, I find diving into different stories and perspectives incredibly enriching and relaxing. Besides reading, I also enjoy practicing yoga. It helps me maintain my physical well-being and offers a serene escape from the daily grind. These activities not only entertain me but also contribute to my personal growth and mental health.

Examiner: Have your leisure activities changed since you were a child?

Candidate: Yes, my leisure activities have significantly changed since I was a child. As a kid, I spent a lot of time playing outdoor games with my friends, like soccer and hide-and-seek, which was not only fun but kept me physically active. However, as I’ve grown older, my interests have shifted more towards indoor activities, such as reading, painting, and playing musical instruments. This change largely stems from my growing appreciation for quieter, more introspective hobbies that allow me to learn new skills and express myself creatively. Nonetheless, I still cherish the memories of my childhood playtimes and occasionally indulge in outdoor sports for nostalgia‘s sake and to keep fit.

Examiner: Do you prefer indoor or outdoor activities? Why?

Candidate: I have a slight preference for outdoor activities, primarily because they allow me to connect with nature and enjoy fresh air, which I find incredibly rejuvenating. Hiking, cycling, and kayaking are some of my favourite ways to explore the natural beauty surrounding my area and to challenge myself physically. There’s something about being outdoors that boosts my mood and energy levels in a way that indoor activities rarely do. Moreover, outdoor activities often provide opportunities for social interaction and bonding with friends and family in a lively and dynamic setting, which I highly value. However, I do enjoy the occasional indoor activity, like reading or yoga, especially during bad weather days when being outside isn’t as pleasant.

Part 2-style questions

Describe a leisure activity that you enjoy doing. You should say:

  • what the activity is
  • when and where you usually do it
  • who you do it with

and explain why you enjoy it so much.


One leisure activity that I particularly enjoy is hiking in the mountains. This is something I tend to do on weekends, especially during the warmer months of the year. There’s a national park about an hour’s drive from where I live that offers a variety of trails ranging from easy to challenging, and it’s my go-to place for this activity.

I usually hike with a group of friends who share my passion for the outdoors. We find that hiking together not only strengthens our friendship but also provides a sense of safety and support, especially on the more difficult trails. Occasionally, I join organised hiking groups to meet new people and explore less familiar paths.

What I love most about hiking is the sense of peace and rejuvenation it brings. Being surrounded by nature, away from the hustle and bustle of city life, allows me to clear my mind and recharge. The physical challenge of hiking is also rewarding; reaching the summit of a mountain gives me a sense of accomplishment and boosts my confidence. Furthermore, the scenic views and fresh air are incredibly revitalising, and capturing these moments with my camera makes the experience even more memorable.

In essence, hiking is not just a form of exercise for me; it’s a way to connect with nature, strengthen bonds with friends, and enjoy the simple pleasures of life. It’s an activity that enriches my life in many ways, which is why I cherish it so much.

Part 3-style questions

Examiner: How do you think leisure activities have changed over the past few decades? [Evaluate]

Candidate: Leisure activities have undergone significant transformations over the past few decades, primarily due to technological advancements. Previously, leisure time was often spent on more traditional activities such as reading, outdoor games, and family gatherings. However, with the advent of the internet, social media, and mobile technology, there has been a noticeable shift towards digital forms of entertainment. Online gaming, streaming services, and social networking sites have become prevalent means of relaxation and leisure. Additionally, the increased pace of life and work commitments have led to changes in how people allocate their time for leisure, often preferring activities that are more accessible and require less preparation. Despite these changes, there’s a growing awareness of the importance of disconnecting from digital devices and engaging in physical activities outdoors, indicating a potential revival of traditional leisure pursuits amidst the digital age.

Examiner: What role do leisure activities play in the well-being of an individual?

Candidate: Leisure activities play a crucial role in the well-being of an individual, contributing significantly to both physical and mental health. Engaging in hobbies and recreational activities provides a much-needed break from the stresses of daily life, offering a sense of relaxation and renewal. For mental health, activities like reading, arts, and crafts can stimulate the mind and foster creativity, while physical activities such as sports and hiking help maintain physical fitness and can reduce the risk of chronic diseases. Moreover, leisure activities often involve social interaction, which is vital for emotional support and building strong relationships. They allow individuals to express themselves, pursue interests, and achieve a sense of accomplishment, all of which contribute to a higher quality of life and overall happiness. Therefore, leisure activities are not just a means of passing time; they are essential for nurturing a balanced and fulfilling life.

Examiner: Should governments play a role in promoting leisure activities among their citizens? If so, how? [Suggest]

Candidate: Governments undoubtedly have a role in promoting leisure activities among their citizens, as these activities are integral to public health and community well-being. By investing in public parks, sports facilities, and cultural centres, governments can provide accessible and affordable options for leisure and recreation, which can encourage a more active and engaged population. Initiatives like organising public events, sports tournaments, and cultural festivals can also promote community spirit and national pride. Furthermore, governments can support educational campaigns highlighting the benefits of regular physical activity and leisure pursuits in maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Such efforts not only enhance the quality of life for individuals but also have broader societal benefits, including reduced healthcare costs and a more cohesive community. In essence, through strategic investment and support, governments can play a pivotal role in fostering a culture that values and prioritises leisure and well-being.

Definitions for IELTS Achievement Vocabulary

Part 1

genres [noun] — different kinds of music, books, or movies.

contemporary [adjective] — modern or happening now.

diving into [phrasal verb] — starting something with excitement.

serene [adjective] — very calm and peaceful.

daily grind [expression] — everyday work or routine that can be boring or tiresome.

stems [verb] — comes from or starts from.

introspective [adjective] — thinking deeply about your own feelings or thoughts.

nostalgia [noun] — feeling happy when remembering the past.

rejuvenating [adjective] — making feel young, fresh, or more lively.

bonding [verb] — creating a close connection with someone.

dynamic [adjective] — always changing or moving.

Part 2

go-to [adjective] — favorite choice for a particular purpose.

passion [noun] — a strong liking or desire for something.

rejuvenation [noun] — the process of making someone feel or look young, energetic, or healthy again.

hustle and bustle [expression] — busy and noisy activity.

revitalising [adjective] — making something feel or look fresh, healthy, or energetic again.

enriches [verb] — improves the quality or value of something.

cherish [verb] — feel or show great love for something; hold something dear.

Part 3

transformations [noun] — big changes in shape or appearance.

primarily [adverb] — mainly or mostly.

advent [noun] — the arrival or start of something important.

prevalent [adjective] — common or widespread.

allocate [verb] — to give out different parts of something for a specific purpose.

awareness [noun] — knowing about something.

amidst [preposition] — in the middle of or surrounded by.

Engaging in [phrasal verb] — taking part in or doing something.

stimulate [verb] — to encourage something to grow, develop, or become active.

foster [verb] — to encourage the development of something.

chronic diseases — long-lasting illnesses that can be controlled but not always cured.

nurturing [verb] — caring for and encouraging the growth or development of someone or something.

integral [adjective] — necessary and important as a part of something.

accessible [adjective] — easy to reach or get into.

engaged [adjective] — busy with some activity; involved.

promote [verb] — to help something grow or become more popular.

societal benefits — advantages or good things that help society as a whole.

cohesive [adjective] — united and working together effectively.

essence [noun] — the most important quality or feature of something, what makes it what it is.

Practice Your IELTS Achievement/Goal Vocabulary 

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