Learn IELTS Vocabulary: Films

Feb 24, 2021 | IELTS, IELTS Speaking, IELTS Test, IELTS Vocabulary

IELTS Speaking Test Sample: 

Films have been a regular IELTS topic and have rarely been out of the test.

Below you will find model answers to questions you might encounter on test day. As you read, pay attention to the words in bold and any words you don’t know. 

Bolded words are defined at the bottom of the page.

Before you read this page, download this free PDF quiz and have a go at completing the blanks.

Part 1-style questions

Examiner: Do you like to watch films?

Candidate: Absolutely – I’m a real movie buff! One of the silver linings of lockdown has been having more free time to watch films. I’m clocking up four or five a week. 

Examiner: Do you prefer to watch films at the cinema or at home?

Candidate: Everyone loves the big screen, right? I tend to go to the Everyman in north London – it’s one of the more high-end cinemas. You get big squashy armchairs, and you can order food and drink right from your seat.

Examiner: Would you like to be a movie star?

Candidate: Good question! I don’t think so. I’d rather be in front of the screen than on it – life is less complicated! Although the glitz of Hollywood would be great fun, I’m sure. 

Part 2

Describe a film you would like to watch again.

   You should say:

– where you watched it

– what it was about

– who you watched it with

and explain why you would like to watch it again.


“The last film I watched was Ratatouille. It’s an animated children’s movie, and I have to say, it wouldn’t be my go-to genre… I watched it with a friend who must have been feeling a little nostalgic! We watched it at her house since she’s got a big TV. It’s perfect to replicate the experience of cinema.

Actually, though, I was pleasantly surprised. The film is about a rat who has big dreams of becoming a chef in Paris. He ends up nestling in an amateur cook’s hair and guides him to create better dishes. Ultimately, the rat and his human companion decide to collaborate on a restaurant venture of their own, 

I’d love to watch it again because it’s a light-hearted story with a happy ending. I think next time I’d watch it with my nephew, though. He’s eight years old, so it’s right up his street.

Part 3-style questions

Examiner: How are films today different to films of the past [Compare]

Candidate: Filmmaking these days is much more technologically advanced. Lots of shots are now captured by drones, which is far cheaper than using helicopters. Many shots are also much shorter, which increases the pace. New technologies also allow filmmakers to be more dynamic in how they light a scene. 

Examiner: Do people in your country prefer to watch domestically-made films or foreign films? [Evaluate]

Candidate: People in the UK enjoy watching British made films because scenes can feel more relatable and authentic. There’s also an element of pride in seeing home-grown talent on screen. 

Examiner: Do you agree that actors are paid too much? [Agree/Disagree]

Candidate: I don’t think actors are paid too much. On the contrary, the majority of actors can struggle to make ends meet. Unfortunately, the film industry isn’t always a meritocracy – being talented doesn’t guarantee that you’ll succeed. 

Definitions for IELTS Achievement Vocabulary

Part 1

Movie buff – someone who is an expert on films 

Silver linings – unexpected benefits

Clocking up – doing lots of 

Big screen – cinema 

High end – more expensive, usually perceived to be better or more desirable 

Squashy – comfortable 

Glitz – glamour

Part 2

Animated (films) – movement created artificially by computers 

Go-to – favourite 

Nostalgic (adjective) – thinking about the past  

Replicate – make a copy of something

Nestling – to sit within something, as a bird sits within its nest 

Ultimately – at the end 

Companion – friend 

Collaborate – do together 

Venture – business or business idea

Light-hearted – amusing and/or entertaining

Up his/her/my/your street – something the person will definitely like 

Part 3

Technologically advanced (adjective) – describes something that uses new technology 

Pace – speed 

Dynamic – changing 

Relatable – something people feel could happen in their own lives 

Authentic – real, original, not copied 

On the contrary – the opposite 

Make ends meet – have only enough money for basic needs

Meritocracy – a society or system where the most talented or hardest working people succeed 

Practice Your IELTS Achievement/Goal Vocabulary 

Now that you have learned some new vocabulary – you need to practise using it!

One way for you to do that us to record your answer to this question and then send it to us. We will give you professional feedback based on the descriptors.

You can contact us here if you would like to try this service.

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