Tips From A Band 8.0 Student Now Living In Singapore

Oct 20, 2019 | IELTS Test

In our first episode, we catch up with Sean. After scoring a Band 8.0, Sean was offered a place in a number of top universities around the world. He chose Singapore as his final destination. Find out why!



In this episode, we ask Sean:

  • Why he chose Singapore
  • If it is living up to his expectations
  • If he is able to cope with the academic and English life
  • Which English words he finds the most useful
  • How he overcame the challenge of choosing a university
  • How a high IELTS score is still useful for his future plans
  • His biggest challenge
  • What he does in his free time
  • How he is funded by the Singaporean government
  • How he is almost guaranteed a job in Singapore when he graduates
  • And finally Sean’s tops tips for those following in his footsteps

Thank you for watching and listening!

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Finally, if you would like some help in overcoming the IELTS test so that you can start living – get in touch!