Writing Tips From A Self-publisher

Dec 31, 2019 | IELTS, IELTS Test, IELTS Writing

Episode 2 – Tips on Writing and Editing From a Self-publisher  

In this series, we introduce you to experts who can help you to advance your language-related goals.

In episode 2, we ask Ian Turner to share his advice, suggestions and stories on…

The Challenges of Writing

  • The kind of person who self-publishes
  • Why people self-publish
  • How to improve your ideas
  • How to make your ideas more engaging
  • When to break the rules of grammar 

The Benefits Of Using a Professional Editor

  • The importance of correct formatting 
  • Ensuring you grab your reader’s attention from the beginning 
  • The importance of correct punctuation 

Ways To Improve Your Writing

  • How to use a semi-colon [16:06]
  • How to use Word to avoid repeating vocabulary 
  • The importance of variety in grammar 
  • How to hire a ghostwriter 

Key resources mentioned by Ian Turner in this episode

Monkeys with Typewriters: How to Write Fiction and Unlock the Secret Power of Stories – by Scarlett Thomas

Siri/Alexa – for reading text back to you so that you can hear your mistakes.

Word – Right-clicking of words in Word to reveal a list of synonyms

The With An Expert Podcast: ips on Writing and Editing From a Self-publisher with Ian Turner by Andrew Turner @ Englishwithanexpert.com

About Ian Turner

Ian spent more than a decade as an English teacher, a senior school leader, and was accredited as a specialist leader in education by the government. Having left the world of teaching, he took the helm of Diadem Books, editing and self-publishing specialists, who have been supporting authors on their journey to publication for 25 years. 

Diadem Books have worked with hundreds of authors to guide them through the self-publishing process, from the first draft to published paperback and eBook. Their bespoke service offers proofing, professional cover design, formatting and typesetting of manuscripts to ensure that books do not appear with any embarrassing grammatical or structural errors. 

Ian continues to work in schools running writing and publishing workshops to inspire a new generation of writers. 

If you have any more questions for Ian Turner, feel free to contact him on:

Diadem’s Facebook account

Their Twitter account

Ian’s LinkedIn account

Thank you for listening!

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