Emigrate to Australia, Part 2

Jun 30, 2019 | Australia, IELTS, IELTS Test

Welcome to the second in a 3-part series on emigrating to Australia.

Australia is becoming an increasingly popular destination. Many of our clients have succeeded in emigrating there, many more are approaching us with this goal.

Last month we focused on some of the services you will need, including immigration agents, job sites and relocation services.

This month we turn our spotlight to the Australian points system, the kind of jobs which are in demand, and the occupation ceilings which apply to them.

Occupation Lists

For those of you looking for work in Australia, one of the first things you should do is check that your profession is on one of the Australian Occupation Lists.

If your job is listed on one of these, this means your specialism is in demand, and you have a good chance of success.

There are three…

Medium and Long-Term Strategic Skills List (or MTSSL): jobs on this list could help you qualify for a permanent Australian visa.

Short-Term Skilled Occupation List (or STSOL): jobs on this list will help you to qualify for short-term visas which last for between 2-4 years

The Regional Occupations List: jobs on this list can be very different to the other lists (e.g. Queensland are in need of Chinese-speaking scuba instructors). They will, however, limit you to employment in the region you apply to.

Our tweet below will link you to Getting Down Under who have more detailed information about each of the lists above…

Occupation Ceilings: What Jobs are available

Always keep your eyes on ceilings. There are ceilings in the IELTS test which can limit your score, and Australia has occupation ceilings.

These ceilings limit the number of immigrants that can be accepted for each jog category. This helps to ensure that the Australian immigration programme does not become dominated by accountants or any other profession.

Engineering, IT, and financial professions tend to be the most popular occupations for migrants to Australia. As such, they fill up quickly. If you are in one of these professions, you should apply early.

The Australian Migration Programme re-starts on the 1st July each year – so now would be a good time to apply!

Amongst the 10 least popular Australian migration options are livestock farmers and painting trade workers. At the moment there are thousands of unfilled places for these trades.

Active Migration Australia is a registered migration agent which keeps their eyes on the current state of play with the ceilings…

Changes to the Australian Points Test from 16th November 2019

Australia decides which immigrants to accept on a points basis. The applicants with the most points are the most likely to succeed. From November this year, several significant changes are being made to the Australian Points System.

One of these changes is the award of an additional 5 points for those whose spouses have competent English.

If you were a few points short last year, this could make all the difference. We advise you to start planning early if your spouse needs to take the IELTS test.

The tweet below was made by SeekVisa. It links to their website and allows you to see just how the changes might affect your chances.

SeekVisa is a registered Australian Migration Agent and has a lot of valuable information on its site. I particularly like that this calculator doesn’t demand your email address (although you can give it if you like what you see!) …

Next Issue

That’s all for this second in our three-part series.

Next month we will turn our focus to the best places to live and study in Australia.

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