Spotlight IELTS Vocabulary, November 2019

Nov 29, 2019 | IELTS Test, IELTS Vocabulary

Welcome to the ninth edition of Spotlight Vocabulary.

This series is dedicated to helping you learn vocabulary that will enrich your life and help you pass tests like IELTS.

When you find a new word, write down the whole sentence it appears in. Learning a word in context will help you to both remember it and use it accurately. 

All the articles you see here were first curated and published on our Twitter and LinkedIn accounts.

How To Use These Articles

Just click on the links, and start reading!

Capture the sentences in which new words appear and record them in an app, such as Anki. 

Next, use the words you learn as often as you can.  One way to do this is by keeping a diary. Using the words regularly will help to make them a part of your active speech. 

For the ultimate practice, book a lesson with one of our teachers or submit a Writing Correction.

The Environment

This article is about the three types of climate change deniers. It’s chock-a-block with useful vocabulary… 

It’s not only animals which are going extinct; insects are too. Should you care? Yes! This article explains why and you’ll learn a few new words too!

Is it ethical to eat cod or avocado, how about an octopus? How intelligent are they? This is an article you should read before your IELTS test day, and before you eat dinner…

Business And The Economy

This article will give you food for thought about whether a cashless society is a good thing or not…


If you are asked to discuss driverless vehicles and traffic trends you will wish you had read this article. Some good charts in here too for practising IELTS Academic Task 1…

Floating buildings have arrived! Are they the houses of the future? 


I’ve said it once and I will say it again: Would you binge-watch a non-binary geek photobombing fake news broadcasts on Brexit? Read the article connected with this tweet if you would like to know what I’m talking about…

And there’s more…

We have not shared all of last months collection.

To see the missing articles, and articles from previous months – visit our Twitter and LinkedIn accounts.

See you next month!

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