Spotlight IELTS Vocabulary, October  2019

Oct 31, 2019 | IELTS, IELTS News, IELTS Test

Welcome to the eighth edition of Spotlight IELTS Vocabulary.

This series helps you to learn vocabulary by introducing you to articles containing high-level vocabulary. We recommend that you don’t just make notes of new words, but that you copy the whole sentence. That way, you can learn and review the vocabulary in context later.

All the articles you see here were first curated on our Twitter and LinkedIn accounts.

How To Use These Articles

Just start reading!

As we noted above, once you come across a new word copy the whole sentence in which it appeared. This will help you to both remember the word and to use it naturally. Using it naturally is the key difference between a Band 8.0 and a Band 9.0.

After learning the words find as many opportunities to use them as you can. One way to do this is to keep a diary. It is important to use the words if you want to make them an active part of your speech.

For the ultimate practice, book a lesson with one of our teachers or even a Writing Correction.

Food and Diet 

Food advice has a habit of changing. This article contains some useful counter-arguments to current health guidelines.

Farming and the Environment

This article is as fertile with vocabulary as a farm which has been returned to the wild. I guarantee you will find new words here, as well as hope for the future!

Pollution and Global Warming

Want some useful statistics for your Task 2, or a useful bar chart and line graph to practice you Task 1? This is the article for you!

Here’s an innovative solution to pollution which involves sucking it out of the air and turning it into precious minerals…


Could the humble computer file be about to go extinct? What has taken its place?

Discover the answers to those questions in this article, packed to the brim with tech vocabulary.


This article contains some good health-related vocabulary which might just lower your blood pressure!


Now that you’ve lowered your blood pressure, this article will help you to remember your new vocabulary – as well as introducing you to even more new words!

And there’s more…

We have not shared all of last months collection.

To see the missing articles, and articles from previous months – visit our Twitter and LinkedIn accounts.

See you next month!

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