Spotlight IELTS Vocabulary, September 2019

Sep 28, 2019 | IELTS Test

Welcome to the seventh edition of Spotlight IELTS Vocabulary.

This series is the place to be if you want to improve your English vocabulary the natural way – by reading high quality and vocabulary-rich articles.

Below we list curated articles first highlighted on our Twitter and LinkedIn accounts.

If you would like to be among the first to see what we have selected for October – follow one of our social media accounts.

How To Use These Articles

Just start reading!

As you read, keep a note of new words. In fact, copy the whole sentence in which the words appear. Learning the word in context will help you to use it correctly. 

Instead of translating the word into your native language, learn the English definition. This practice will help you to think as well as speak in English and improve your fluency.

Find as many opportunities as you can to use your new words. If you want to use the words fluently in your speech, they must become a part of your active vocabulary.

For the ultimate practice, book a lesson with one of our teachers or even a Writing Correction.


Accommodation is one of the most common topics in the IELTS test.

This IDEAS video by the BBC will help you to take this topic to new heights – or perhaps I should say depths. 

Learn why some think our species will become homo aquaticus and seastead in seascraper communities …

Noisy Neighbours

Most of the vocabulary in these articles are appropriate for academic contexts. However, IELTS Writing General Task 1 requires a more everyday type of vocabulary.

You and Yours is a BBC 4 programme which uses exactly that type of lexical resource. This podcast includes a discussion on noisy neighbours … 

Climate Change

Matthew MacDonald’s articles are always vocabulary rich. This article is no exception. Learn why ‘buttoned-down scientists’ and ‘concrete dates’ might be bad for the environment…


This article discusses a ‘new digital revolution where networks, data and devices work seamlessly and intelligently together to create an ecosystem that will impact every facet of our lives each day’ …


This article discusses how automation is affecting job prospects. Will your job still exist in ten years?


Have you ever heard of ‘overtourism’? Find out what it means before your dictionary does…


This article is about Greta Thunberg and covers topics ranging from parenting to climate change. Well worth a read!

And there’s more…

We have not shared all of last months collection. 

To see the missing articles, and articles from previous months – visit our Twitter and LinkedIn accounts.

See you next month!

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