Spotlight Vocabulary, August 2020

Aug 28, 2020 | IELTS, IELTS Test, IELTS Vocabulary

Welcome to the August 2020 edition of Spotlight Vocabulary.

This is the series where we introduce you to high-level articles where you can learn vocabulary for IELTS, OET or life!

These are just a selection of the articles we read in August; you can find more on our LinkedIn and Twitter accounts.

How To Use These Articles

Just read – keep this page open in a tab on your phone, and you will have plenty of reading you can dive into.

If you have a little more time, record the words you find in a vocabulary app, like Anki.

For serious study, write down the whole sentence and not just the word. Learning new vocabulary in context will help you to remember it and use it accurately – especially when it comes to collocation.

Finally, if you want to use the words fluently in your everyday speech, you must take every opportunity to use them.

For the ultimate practice, book a lesson with one of our teachers or submit a Writing Correction.

Technology and Medicine

 I don’t know about your part of the world – but face masks have become all the rage in the UK. They are also compulsory in most test centres. Here’s a good video for learning vocabulary to talk about them.

Population Levels, the Economy and the Environment 

Which country do you think will have the largest population in 2100? Do you agree with the author of this article? This is an important topic that impacts many other areas you might be asked to write about.

Work, Cities and Society 

This article is simply packed with vocabulary and collocations that will help you step up your vocabulary to the next level! It also tackles an issue that is bound to impact you, no matter where you live.

Language and the Internet

Both these topics are reported as current and appear regularly on test day. Did you know that two languages are neck and neck on the internet?

Parks and Green Spaces

Green spaces in urban areas became even more important during the recent pandemic. Why not go and find a park bench before you read this article.

Animal and Pets

This article is packed with collocations that anyone could learn from.

Personality and Work

This article is about ‘charismatic bullies’ and how they often seem to bully their way into management positions. Useful vocabulary for talking about work and a certain kind of person.

This is another article with vocabulary you could use to describe people and personality. It discusses four quotes that blew the authors mind.

Mental Health

This article adds up to more than the vocabulary it uses. You will learn a lot of good vocabulary – you will also learn how to cope when you feel overwhelmed. A feeling many test-takers might be familiar with!

And there’s more…

We have not shared all of last months collection.

To see the missing articles, and articles from previous months – visit our Twitter and LinkedIn accounts.

See you next month!

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