Spotlight Vocabulary, December 2019

Dec 30, 2019 | IELTS, IELTS Vocabulary

Welcome to the final edition of Spotlight Vocabulary in 2019!

This series is designed to introduce you to quality articles that will not only help you to pass tests like IELTS or OET but also improve your life.

These are not the only articles we read in December; you can find more on our Twitter and LinkedIn accounts.

How To Use These Articles

If you have time to do nothing else – just read them!

If you have a little more time, record the words you find in an app, such as Anki. 

Don’t just capture the new word – write down the whole sentence. Learning new vocabulary in context will help you to remember it and use it accurately – especially when it comes to collocation.

Finally, use the words you learn. You need to make these words a part of your active vocabulary. 

For the ultimate practice, book a lesson with one of our teachers or submit a Writing Correction.

Technology and Privacy

This is an important topic which crops up more and more frequently in the IELTS test and our everyday lives…

Science and History

If the surveillance above doesn’t scare you, check out this article about how we know the eye and skin colour, as well as diet of a 6000-year-old Neolithic girl…


 Plants are a tricky topic and can come up in both the Speaking and the Writing sections of the IELTS test. This article also contains vocabulary which could be useful in the OET test…

The Environment 

Microplastic might be an expression you’ve never heard before, but you might be hearing it more and more…

This article blends technology with food and the environment, all common topics in IELTS…

Should we conserve or kill wildlife, some arguments and counterarguments you find useful on test day here…


It seems the IELTS partners want you to be happy, since this topic has appeared several times in recent years. This article will give you some ideas and vocabulary you can use…

Health and Obesity

The New Year is almost upon us, so why not make it your goal to learn new vocabulary and lose weight…

And there’s more…

We have not shared all of last months collection.

To see the missing articles, and articles from previous months – visit our Twitter and LinkedIn accounts.

See you next month!

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