Spotlight Vocabulary, December 2020

Dec 27, 2020 | IELTS Speaking, IELTS Test, IELTS Vocabulary, IELTS Writing

Welcome to the December 2020 edition of Spotlight Vocabulary.

In this series, we curate articles that contain ideas and high-level vocabulary you can use in tests like IELTS or OET. 

Many students say that they cannot think of ideas for their IELTS essays – reading these articles will help solve that problem.

These are just a selection of the articles we read in December; you can find more on our LinkedIn and Twitter accounts.

How To Use These Articles

If you have time for nothing else – just read them.

Ideally, it would help if you recorded new words with an app like Anki. 

Writing down the whole sentence in which the word appears. Instead of just the word will also help. The context will help you to remember the word and use it accurately.

Finally, use the words you learn frequently. That way, you can transfer them from your passive to active memory.

Passive vocabulary is useful for listening and reading tests, but you need ready recollection for new lexical resource to be helpful in speaking and writing.

For the ultimate practice, book a lesson with one of our teachers or submit a Writing Correction.

The Environment, Wildlife and Climate Change

Here’s a question you may never have considered before. What weighs more – humanmade materials, or the entire animal kingdom? Great ideas and vocabulary for the IELTS test in this article.

New species might just be arriving faster than we thought. This article talks about DNA barcoding and will give you an interesting new angle for an essay on biodiversity.

Predicting the Future

You often have to predict the future in IELTS Speaking and Writing. Sometimes, you have to write about what someone else has predicted in the Academic Task 1. Read this article for useful vocabulary and grammar structures you can use in this situation.

High-tech tattoos and meat are two predictions for the near future in this article. Read it to discover some more.


Need some positivity in the Year of Covid? This article provides it in bucketfuls. Fasten your seatbelt and prepare for economic prosperity.

Space & Aliens

Space is becoming a fashionable topic in IELTS these days. Would aliens see us as food or friends? Good ideas and vocabulary you can transfer to the IELTS test in this article.


Talking about your emotions is becoming a popular topic in IELTS these days. This article talks about how sadness fuels creativity.

And there’s more…

We have not shared all of last months collection.

To see the missing articles, and articles from previous months – visit our Twitter and LinkedIn accounts.

See you next year!

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