Spotlight Vocabulary, July 2020

Jul 21, 2020 | IELTS, IELTS Test, IELTS Vocabulary

Welcome to the July 2020 edition of Spotlight Vocabulary.

This is a series of curated articles selected around topics that you are likely to come across on test day. In each article, you will discover ideas and vocabulary you can use in both the Speaking and Writing sections of your test. 

These are just a selection of the articles we read in July; you can find more on our LinkedIn and Twitter accounts.

How To Use These Articles

Start reading! It’s as simple as that.

If you have a little more time, record the words you find in a vocabulary app, like Anki.

If you have more time, then don’t just record the word, record the whole sentence in which the word appears. Learning new vocabulary in context will help you to remember it and to use it more accurately.

It is essential to use the words as often as you can. If you don’t, you won’t be able to use the words actively. If you use them in Speaking, you may pause and hesitate – damaging your fluency and pronunciation scores. 

Passive vocabulary is useful for listening and reading tests, but you need immediate recollection for it to be helpful in speaking and writing.

For the ultimate practice, book a lesson with one of our teachers or submit a Writing Correction.


 This topic has cropped up a few times recently. Top-up your intergalactic vocabulary by reading this article…


This is one of our own articles on the topic of clothing – a topic that your could encounter in any part of the IELTS test. Click on the link to find a good vocabulary resource for clothes – and start talking to your wardrobe…

Marine Life

 From space to the depths of the ocean, this month’s edition of Spotlight Vocabulary has it all. This article will help you answer Speaking questions related to animals or sea life…

Social Media

Social media come up regularly as a topic in the IELTS test. This article will give you plenty of food for thought as well as some new vocabulary…


Should we be able to edit the DNA of our children? Is it inevitable that we will? If we do, what kind of a person would that make us?

Affluence, Consumerism, Pollution and the Environment 

It’s difficult to pigeon hole this article under one topic – but is well worth the read. Covid-19 is not an existential threat – but affluence might just be…

And there’s more…

Ou Twitter and LinkedIn accounts have many more articles that you may have missed but would benefit from.

To see the missing articles, and articles from previous months – visit our Twitter and LinkedIn accounts.

See you next month!

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