Spotlight Vocabulary, November 2022

Nov 3, 2022 | IELTS Test

Welcome to the November 2022 edition of Spotlight Vocabulary.

Below you will find a number of specially selected articles containing the kind of vocabulary and ideas you will find useful on IELTS test day. 

These are just a selection of the articles we read in April; you can find more on our LinkedIn and Twitter accounts.

How To Use These Articles

Just a casual read will be enough to benefit you. If you have more time, you can make a note of new words you learn — or even enter them into a vocabulary app like Anki.

It is often best to record the whole sentence in which the word appears since this will help you to both remember the word and learn which words collocate with it.

Try and find as many opportunities as you can to use the new words. Language is a habit, and you need to learn to use the words fluently on test day.

For the ultimate practice, book a lesson with one of our teachers or submit a Writing Correction.

Bias, Technology and AI

This article covers a number of topic areas as it considers how human bias has been programmed into technology and AI…

Jobs and Careers

Talking about work is one of the most common IELTS topics and often appears in the first part of the Speaking test. This article will supply you with some good vocabulary and ideas for the discussion…

Children and Parental Influence

This is a core issue at the centre of many IELTS Task 2 Writing questions. How do we influence our children, and what can we do to make that influence positive…

Night Owls and Morning Birds

A common test day question asks whether you work best in the morning or afternoon. Read this article to ace your answer, or learn how to turn yourself into an early riser…


Obesity is often mentioned by test candidates for a variety of health-related topics. This article discusses what does not cause obesity—and admits we don’t know what does…


A lot of test candidates find this a difficult topic to tackle because they lack the vocabulary they need. If that’s you then you will find this article very helpful…


Talking about art is another subject that many find difficult. This article connects art with mathematics, so if you like maths, you might find this article more interesting. If you like neither, then you will almost certainly find useful vocabulary for common test-day topics…


And there’s more…

There are plenty more articles from pervious months on our Twitter and LinkedIn accounts.

See you next month!

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