IELTS Writing Task 2: Fashionable Clothes

Sep 17, 2024 | IELTS Test

For Task 2, you are required to write a 250-word essay responding to a question, often requiring you to give your opinion on a societal issue.

Your essay must be logically structured with an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion.

Task 2 is worth twice as many marks as a Task 1, which is why you are given twice as long to complete it!

Model Task 2 Question:

Many people today are concerned with wearing fashionable clothes. 

Is this a positive or negative trend? 

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own experience.

Model Task 2 Answer:

In recent years, the desire to wear fashionable clothing has become widespread, driven by social media and celebrity culture. While some argue that this trend promotes creativity and individuality, others believe it encourages materialism and wastefulness. In this essay, I will argue that although fashion can boost self-expression, the negative impacts on the environment and personal finances make it largely a harmful trend.

On one hand, fashionable clothes allow people to express themselves. Clothing is a form of communication, and by following fashion trends, individuals can showcase their personal style. Furthermore, fashion often reflects cultural or societal shifts, as designers and consumers use clothing to challenge norms or advocate for causes.

However, the focus on fashion has significant downsides. Fast fashion, which churns out cheap, trendy clothing at the expense of the environment, has led to excessive waste. Many people purchase items only to discard them after a short period, leading to a “throwaway” culture. This not only contributes to landfill waste but also involves unethical labor practices in many developing countries. Moreover, constantly buying new clothes can lead to financial stress, especially for those who feel pressured to keep up with trends they cannot afford.

In conclusion, while fashion can be a means of self-expression, its environmental and financial costs make it a negative trend overall. Consumers should be more mindful of the impact of their clothing choices and consider sustainability over style.

The model essay on fashionable clothes presents a balanced and well-structured argument, with a clear introduction, body, and conclusion.

image of fashion store
  1. Introduction:
  • The introduction immediately addresses the issue by highlighting the modern concern with fashionable clothes. It sets the context by connecting the trend to social media and celebrity influence, creating relevance to current society.
  • The thesis clearly states the writer’s stance, which acknowledges both sides but leans towards a negative view.
  1. Body Paragraph 1:
  • The first body paragraph explores the positive aspects of fashion, focusing on self-expression and cultural significance. The point is logically developed, with the argument that fashion reflects individuality and societal trends.
  • This paragraph uses real-world reasoning, emphasising how fashion can challenge norms, making it relatable and easy to follow.
  1. Body Paragraph 2:
  • The second body paragraph shifts to the negative consequences of fashion. Here, the writer delves into the environmental impact of fast fashion and its role in promoting a throwaway culture. This is followed by the mention of financial pressure.
  • This paragraph is fact-based, drawing on the well-known problems associated with fast fashion, which strengthens the argument.
  1. Conclusion:
  • The conclusion restates the central argument and essentially paraphrases the writers opinion at the end of the introduction and the topic sentences of both body paragraphs.

Coherence and Cohesion:

The essay is well-organised, with smooth transitions between points, such as “On one hand” and “However,” which guide the reader logically through the argument. The structure follows a clear introduction-body-conclusion format, essential for achieving a high band score.

Lexical Resource:

The vocabulary is varied and appropriately formal, with phrases like “materialism,” “ethical labor practices,” and “financial stress.” This demonstrates a wide range of language, crucial for scoring well in this area. The writer also avoids repetition by using synonyms and related phrases.

Grammatical Range and Accuracy:

The essay uses complex sentence structures and a variety of grammatical forms, from conditional statements (“While some argue that…”) to relative clauses (“which churns out cheap, trendy clothing”). The grammar is accurate throughout, contributing to clarity and fluency.


  • Fast Fashion – Inexpensive clothing produced rapidly to keep up with trends.
  • Throwaway Culture – A society that excessively disposes of products after minimal use.
  • Materialism – The focus on accumulating possessions, often considered excessive.

Useful Phrases:

  • “On one hand…”
  • “While some argue that…”
  • “Furthermore…”
  • “In conclusion, while…”

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