Model IELTS General Task 1 essay: Letter to a Manager (Semi-Formal)

Aug 21, 2020 | IELTS, IELTS Test, IELTS Writing

Below you will find a model answer for a Formal IELTS Writing Task 1 letter.

This letter is likely to score from 8.5-9.0 on test day.

It follows this general template…

  1. Salutation
  2. 1st Paragraph about bullet point 1
  3. 2nd Paragraph about bullet point 2
  4. 3rd Paragraph about bullet point 3
  5. Sign off

The Question

You recently read an inaccurate report about your company in a newspaper. Some of the information was incorrect.

Write a letter to your manager. In your letter

  • describe where you read this information
  • say which information was incorrect
  • suggest what should be done

IELTS General Writing Task 1 Semi-formal Model Essay by Andrew Turner @

The Answer

Dear Aika,

I am writing this letter to express my concerns over false information which was published about our company.  In this Monday’s edition of the Financial Times, a journalist misinformed their readership about our company’s financial performance. 

The report falsely claims that our company suffers from huge deficits and it is on the brink of bankruptcy. There is no mention of our recent turnaround and record quarterly profit. I think that this misrepresentation will tarnish our credibility. My immediate concern is that this might impact the new project I am leading next month.

I believe swift action from our legal team is required. The paper’s proprietor should be warned that legal action is being planned unless an immediate correction is published. The correction should be at least as prominent as the original article. Frankly, I am surprised that action has not already been taken.

I would appreciate a swift response.



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