IELTS News: December 2019

Dec 12, 2019 | Australia, IELTS, IELTS Coaching, IELTS Speaking, IELTS Test, IELTS Writing

Congratulations to all those who achieved your language goals in 2019 and are now living a new life!

So much has happened this year that is of benefit to our students and potential students; we have decided to do an end-of-year roundup in case you missed something important!

The Latest IELTS News

In January 2019, we led with the news that fake IELTS certificates are easy to detect and that using one could get you banned for life from the country you enter. 

Our February edition revealed that the British Council has funded research into conducting the IELTS Speaking test online. 

The March issue revealed that the IELTS partners have experimented with extending the Speaking test and adding a fourth section. The new section would involve the test candidate asking the examiner questions for two minutes.

If you would like to conduct your own research into IELTS, our April issued linked you to a page which allows you to submit a funding proposal to the IELTS partners.

The May issue reported on research which revealed that candidates achieving bands 7.0 and upwards tended to be more proficient with the irregular past and third person -s.

In June we explained how to register for the Computer-Delivered IELTS test. This test is available across the UK – despite the British Council website giving the impression that it is not. 

Our July issue showed how the culture you grew up with could affect your IELTS score.

If you are considering taking the computer version of the IELTS test, our August issue highlighted the issues you should be considering. How good is your handwriting? How well can you type? 

Our September issue reported on how test candidates were generally satisfied with the test but lacked information on the test format, the question types used, and the marking criteria. Need help in any of these areas? Contact us

In October we reported on a study which found a connection between IELTS band scores and speed of writing. It also showed that where we look when thinking can also affect our score. If you haven’t looked away from this page yet, click on the link to find out more. 

Finally, in November we reported on why IELTS is projected to remain the number one global English proficiency test until at least 2024. We also reported on how Cambridge is preparing for changes to the IELTS test, possibly those highlighted above. 

International IELTS Job News

International Employment Opportunities

We began the year by reporting on how the UK was more open than ever. We might be leaving the European Union – but that will create more opportunities for those who can prove they have the talent and English skills the UK needs.

In our February issue, we reported on how a German minister has proposed that EU members should place restrictions on medical professionals moving between its member countries. If that affects you, then the UK might be a good option now that Brexit has been approved.

We also reported on how changes to the OET test has seen many doctors and nurses returning to the IELTS test. 

Our March issue showed that whilst migration to the UK from Europe has decreased, migration from the rest of the world has seen a big rise.

There was more good news in April, when we reported on how hiring activity in the UK had reached record levels. 

The May issue highlighted a report from The Guardian, which showed that Britain had come top of a survey for welcoming qualified professional to the UK. The UK was also the most positive in Europe on the benefits of immigration. 

In June we reported a conversation we had had with US Embassy staff who said that they were more likely to approve a visa application supported by IELTS than any other test.

Our July issue reported on how changes to the Australian migration system have led many migrants to favour employer-sponsored visa options.

In August we reported how the UK had continued to add jobs and had reached a 44-year unemployment low – pay was also on the rise. 

September saw London top a survey of the city most people would like to work in if they moved abroad. The UK economy was also continuing to defy doomsayers with faster than expected growth. 

The October issue reported on how medical professionals can now use OET for a general visa or Tier II visa applications. This removed the need to take two different types of English exams to work in the UK.

Finally, our November issue reported on how Ireland and New Zealand are in the top 3 countries which rely on foreign-trained doctors. 

IELTS International Study

Studying Abroad

It has also been a busy year in the world of international study. 

Our January edition pointed out that after Brexit, the UK will be able to choose the most talented faculty from an international pool – rather than just Europe alone. 

In February we reported on one of the excellent bursary packages being offered by a UK University with £16,000 a year in addition to full tuition on offer. 

In March we reported on how the number of international students arriving in the UK had increased, with the first rise in non-EU immigration since 2013.

Our April edition highlighted that over 25s form more than 40% of the undergrad population in the UK. It’s never too late to make that move and study abroad!

The May issue reported on a study which showed that international graduates contribute over £3 billion to the UK through taxes and other means. A figure which also highlights how much graduates benefit from a UK education! 

We also reported that Edinburgh is the cheapest city for UK students, as well as having a top 20 university. 

In June we showed why the UK and Australia are gaining in popularity, and the US is losing. In fact, several countries have issued warnings of an increased risk of rejection for US-bound students. 

The July issue reported on problems for students in the UK who had supported their application with TOEIC. We also showed how 51% of UK graduates were earning well above average UK salary earnings. 

Our August edition discussed exciting changes to the UK immigration system which may see the existing 2000 person cap on Tier 1 visas abolished. It was also proposed that dependents of those accepted under the new scheme would no longer need an offer of employment before arrival.

There was more good news in the September issue, from 2020 students will be offered 2-year UK visas after graduating. This new arrangement will make it easier for non-UK graduates to establish a career in the UK.

In October the latest Times & Sunday Times Good University Guide once again placed Cambridge and Oxford in the top 2 positions. 

Finally, our November issue highlighted an Australian study which showed that immigrants were much more likely to find employment if they had graduated in Australia also. 

We also reported on which countries had topped the 2019 English Proficiency Index, and the best places to find information for emigration. 

Further Reading

It has been a very eventful 2019, and it looks like 2020 will bring even more momentous changes and opportunities!

If you want to keep abreast of the latest developments, follow our blogTwitter and LinkedIn accounts for up-to-the-minute news.

We are already preparing for some significant changes and new products in 2020.

 If you want to hit the road running in 2020, get in touch!

That’s all for this year.

See you in 2020!